Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Beautiful Shower

I'm quite behind on posts so I'm just getting a chance to update on my amazing shower two weeks ago.

I feel so blessed to have such amazing family and friends in my life. They all went above and beyond to make the day special for me. The decorations were beautiful and perfect, the food was good, the atmosphere was great, the games were fun and I think the guests enjoyed themselves as much as I did. I still can't believe the amount of gifts we received and feel so thankful for everything.

The most touching moments for me were the photobook my Mom and Mother in Law put together with pictures of Joe and I as babies and growing up and the copy of my favorite children's book my parents bought me with a note about how much they enjoyed reading it to me as a child. I will cherish both of these things.

I was so caught up in the day that I didn't get many pictures taken but here are a couple a friend of mine shared with me until I get some more.

Beautiful diaper cake and table.
I loved the hand painted little wooden toys - Charlene did a great job!
They're now on Baby Doran's shelves in his nursery. :)

Adorable clothes line

YUMMY favors!
Matt did a great job helping Christina with these. ;)

We're lucky I didn't stuff all of these in my bag to take home.

Thank you so much to Charlene and Christina for everything they did to help my family make it a memorable day :)


C and M September 9, 2009 at 7:40 PM  

I'm glad that you had such a wonderful day. I'm still bummed that I missed it. I still can't believe of all days for me to have mastitis that it was on your special day. Your baby is loved already by so many :)

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